Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.--French proverbHuh. Here I thought I was smack in the middle of middle age. What do I know? Well, quite a bit, as it turns out. Here are some of the things I've learn in 50 years:
I know the difference between having a cold and having the flu.
I've learned that life is like a box of chocolates, but you have to be discreet in spitting out the nuts.
I know that while what doesn't kill me may make me stronger, it still pisses me off.
I've learned that it doesn't matter if your friends are bipedal or quadripedal, it hurts the same when you lose them.
I've learned that love is worth the risk of loss.
I have traveled the universe and beyond in the pages of books. And look forward to more!
I know that as soon as I run the dishwasher, someone will put dirty dishes in the sink.
Truth is stranger--and funnier--than fiction.
I've learned not to "should" all over myself.
I know that you'll never find a silver lining if your eyes are closed.
I've learned that God has a sense of humor.
There are still quite a few things that I don't understand, yet. Like:
Why do you click the "Start" button to turn off the computer?
Is there anybody who actually eats an Oreo without twisting it apart?
Why are there birds that can't fly?
After God banished Cain, where did Cain find his wife?
Why do some people think it's funny when someone else falls down?
How do the words "I'm sorry" and "I forgive you" carry so much healing?
Why does eating chocolate release endorphins (feel-good hormones), but not veggies or fruit?
Well, here's to 50 more years! I intend to keep learning as long as God leaves me on this mortal plane.